Team and Contributions as a Personal Project

This page will address from a perspective that focuses on the people, and the contributions behind this project.


Whefi is a personal project that is built using a widespread range of skills and roles. Currently, the founder of the project is a solopreneur that handles these responsibilities individually. Nonetheless, alongside the growth of, its team would expand and its status would evolve to become a startup business.

Joining the Team has optimized a variety of skills to exist and grow, therefore with the platform gaining momentum there is an opportunity to expand its team and welcome new members in the future, any job roles available will be announced on the project's socials.

The Founding and the Current Status

the contributions and work effort behind as of its current status as a personal project.

Brief History:

Hi, I am and this is a personal project that I have built and currently managing, around 2015 I have started a long journey to shift my career towards programming, and in 2017 I have received a Grow with Google Scholarship to study a front-end web development course, during that course, I have had the idea of building a personal project that will both enhance my coding skills and also make use of business opportunities created by the availability of rich datasets and open data sources that can be accessed using several public APIs, the availability of these data sources creates the opportunity to innovate the way people surf and search the web. so I have worked to build and in April 2020 I have published its first release.


Running the platform on my own meant that I have become a solopreneur that will have to work individually to perform multiple tasks, as a result of that I have developed a wide range of skills while using a wide range of technologies. gave me a unique opportunity to improve my coding skills and to work as a full-stack developer, moreover, I became also responsible for the UX, managing social media channels, and copywriting, this wide range of experiences is highly valuable and I can not think of other opportunities that could have offered me the same experiences. Although currently, I am the sole member that works on this project, expanding the team and adding new members will probably follow the success of the current phase that aims to validate the business idea behind this project and its financial viability.

Personal commitment:

Solopreneurship requires a huge commitment and sacrifice; since 2019 this project has received a huge commitment from my side, I have perceived this project as a standing business entity and therefore dedicated the required effort and hard-working to grow it, moreover, I am still committed to this project and dedicating time and effort to improve it further.

Suggestions, Contribution, and Contact:

The contact form and the contact email: [email protected], are all regularly checked, and I personally respond to any communications through them. I welcome any suggestions, contributions, or feedback from your side.

Future Expansions:

The project is currently in an experimental/testing phase. After evaluating the project and testing its financial viability, the team of the project can be expanded to fill the needed roles such as Graphic design, copywriting, testing, and development.

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